When I
was first asked to write this introduction I first thought of Dante. Then my thoughts turned to the little known Albonian
monk Ernesto Deuodendum who, in the 12th century penned an intriguing text about native water reeds in the upper
Clydidian region of Southern Italy. That, curiously, also made me think of Dante. Then my wife brought me a cheese sandwich
and this, intriguingly, inspired me to think of Dante further. My wife then remarked how she wished I would not call out the
name ‘Dante’ during sex and, in consideration of her request – I ate the cheese sandwich and tried not to
think of Dante in that way (although I found this quite challenging).
with regret I turned my thoughts from Dante and onto this book for which a strange man in a plastic raincoat had paid me the
sum of fifty dollars and a free lunch to write the introduction to.
I thought
‘stuff all those namby pamby books about water, chocolate and mandolins’ and after due consideration I decided
that what the reading public wants is nastiness and violence and sex… and puppies.
I mean
who doesn’t like puppies. They are cute and furry and are quadrupedal. What is there not to love? Not just two feet,
but four! I have always thought that Dante would have a special spot reserved in his heart for puppies. In fact puppies, curiously,
also remind me of Dante.
This book
has very few puppies in it so it will probably be remarkably uninteresting to those interested in puppies, but may invoke
Dante for some.